
Emotional vs. Unemotional Manifestors: Decoding the Decision-Making Process #31

Join us as we decode the fascinating world of Manifestors, exploring the key differences between emotional and unemotional types. Discover how each subtype navigates decision-making, and interactions.

In this podcast episode, host Deni Van, a 5/1 Emotional Manifestor, discusses the two main types of Manifestors: emotional and unemotional. While both types share the core Manifestor traits of initiation and impact, they differ in their decision-making processes and internal experiences.

Unemotional Manifestors are spontaneous, operating in the present moment. They rely on either splenic or egoic authority and don't need time to process emotions before taking action. In contrast, Emotional Manifestors, who comprise 51% of Manifestors, need time to process their emotions. Their authority is their emotional wave, which requires them to ride the highs and lows before reaching clarity.